Are you being held in contempt of court? Were you found to be disrespectful or disruptive in court? Or, did you fail to comply with a court order, such as child support? Contempt of court cases are taken seriously by most family law judges, especially when it involves matters involving children. If you fail to… Continue reading →
Posts Tagged ‘attorney’
Who is responsible for taxes in a divorce?
Going through a divorce is stressful enough without having to worry about paying a joint tax bill. It is important to bring up the matter of taxes during the divorce process; make sure the tax debt is separated at that time. You need to learn what your options are for ensuring that you pay only… Continue reading →
Divorce and tax credits for first-time home buyer
Getting a divorce can touch so many parts of your life. Not only does it affect your children, child and spousal support, property and assets, but it affects your taxes. Unless you know exactly what to do, divorce, taxes and your home can become a complete mess as far as the Internal Revenue Service is… Continue reading →
Reporting child abuse
A child that is being abused does not only have broken bones or bruises, he or she is emotionally scarred for probably the rest of his or her life. Everyone in the community should know the signs of child abuse; make it your duty to learn them. Never ignore a child’s needs or quiet cry… Continue reading →
Are you thinking about divorce?
All too often we hear about divorces that drag on and on in court – some taking years before they are finally resolved. In the end, the divorce has resulted in astronomical costs and unfair treatment of one or both parties. Divorce does not have to proceed this way. Divorce issues can be settled amicably… Continue reading →
Paternity test
Paternity is a word used to describe fatherhood and relates to a child born outside of a marriage relationship where there is a question as to who the father of the child is. If this is the case, the man is required to take a paternity test to establish parental rights and responsibilities. Paternity, unfortunately,… Continue reading →
Collaborative law divorce
If you are contemplating divorce, stop and think about collaborative law divorce before you do anything else. This is especially true if you want to maintain a friendly relationship – for the sake of your children if nothing else. If you and your spouse can agree on all the marital issues, there is no need… Continue reading →
Financial issues after divorce
Your divorce is finally over and you are faced with a new life – one that includes handling your own financial matters. One word comes to mind: Help! So much has to be done – refinancing your home, taking your spouse’s name off your car, your benefits and pension at work. What about changing the… Continue reading →
Alimony and years of marriage
Divorce can affect a couple both emotionally and financially. Alimony is provided to the financially disadvantaged partner so he or she can maintain the same standard of living experienced during the marriage. When a marriage lasted less than five years and there are no children or assets to consider, couples may obtain a summary dissolution…. Continue reading →
Relocation issues
When a couple with children divorces, it is important for the parents to successfully co-parent with each other. In order for this to happen, certain agreements must be made in addition to the custody agreement. What happens when one of the parents wants or needs to move out of California? It is the goal of… Continue reading →