When custody disputes are a matter of concern, the court will always consider “the best interest of the child” to make their determinations. You have probably heard this many times before when considering child custody matters. Considerations by the Judge The first thing that a judge will consider, of course, are factors that show that… Continue reading →
Posts Tagged ‘spouse’
Will my Spouse Pay my Attorney Fees During a Divorce?
Many divorce attorneys will cost anywhere between $150 to $400 an hour, which is why spouses may have concerns about how they will afford their attorney. One of the most prevalent issues in the midst of a divorce is one or both sides claiming that they do not have enough money, which can be made… Continue reading →
Does it Matter Who Files for Divorce First?
It happens to you: You receive papers for divorce when you never expected them to file first. Sometimes divorce can come as a complete shock as you worry about what went wrong and what this means for you and your spouse. However, one of the last things you may worry about is this: Are there… Continue reading →
The Differences Between Equitable Distribution and Community Property
Your state’s laws may affect the outcome of your divorce settlement, which is why you should understand the difference between equitable distribution and community property. Many states follow the equitable distribution route, which means that the property acquired during your marriage belongs to the spouse who earned it. The court will determine many different factors,… Continue reading →
What’s Right For You: Divorce, Separation, or Annulment
To understand whether or not a divorce, separation, or annulment is for you will be determined once you understand what each consists of. The divorce process may not be for everyone, which is why the laws in California give you various options when you and your spouse have split. Now you can find out more… Continue reading →
How Long Does the Divorce Process Take in California?
When you file your petition for divorce, you probably have hopes and expectations that your marriage will end quickly and you can move forward with many aspects of your life. However, you should note that, when you first file your papers and petition the court for your divorce, you must wait 6 months in California… Continue reading →
Are You an Illegal Immigrant Who is Seeking a Divorce?
What happens if you and your partner are in a very delicate situation where you are getting divorced, but you are an illegal immigrant? When it comes to divorce and being an immigrant, there is always the risk that you could be deported. This is a very difficult category for many immigrants to face because… Continue reading →
Is a Prenuptial Agreement Necessary in Your Marriage?
Prenuptial agreements, also known as prenups, are common in many marriages – but must take place before the marriage. They allow a couple to set terms of property rights for their marriage, which offers many protections along the way. In marriage, you never plan for a divorce. However, this happens to many people every year… Continue reading →
How Does Collaborative Divorce Work? What Should I Expect?
There are many different types of divorce, with one of the most popular and growing being collaborative divorce. Collaborative divorce is a way for spouses to handle their problems without taking things into a stressful courtroom setting. This leads to a better chance of more peaceful negotiations to settle divorce matters. There are many benefits… Continue reading →