Divorce can affect a couple both emotionally and financially. Alimony is provided to the financially disadvantaged partner so he or she can maintain the same standard of living experienced during the marriage. When a marriage lasted less than five years and there are no children or assets to consider, couples may obtain a summary dissolution…. Continue reading →
Posts Tagged ‘marriage’
When do child support obligations end?
In most cases, child support payments end when the child reaches the age of majority – 18 or 21. However, there are many factors to take into consideration when determining this. There are incidences when payments do not end until the child graduates from college. If your child becomes emancipated, your support obligations end…. Continue reading →
Annulling a marriage in California
Marriage is supposed to be a special bond between two people who have decided to spend the rest of their lives together. Sometimes it takes years to come to that decision, while other times, it is made on the spur of the moment. When made on the spur of the moment, oftentimes one or both… Continue reading →
Divorce and your children
The breakup of a marriage is often one of the most disturbing times in a person’s life. If you are considering divorce, you are probably experiencing a new set of emotions and feelings, not to mention stress. Once upon a time you and your spouse worked as a team when it came to matters regarding… Continue reading →
Changing your name – legally
Are you thinking about changing your name once your divorce is final? Or, are you thinking about changing your name for other reasons? Whatever the reason, name changes have become common. Changing your name in California could be complex for some once you obtain the proper paperwork. Additionally, you must contact all relevant government and… Continue reading →
Inheritance considered separate property or marital asset?
When a couple starts dividing their assets as the divorce process goes into effect, any inheritance one may have received during the marriage is put on the table. The question arises – Is the money considered separate property or is it a marital asset? The answer is determined by whether the money was kept in… Continue reading →
Rethinking estate planning
Being legally divorced puts a new stage into your life. One of the matters that should be revisited is estate planning. If you have an estate plan created, it is most probably revoked due to the divorce. You need to create a new plan. Why, you ask? You must now ensure that your ex-spouse will… Continue reading →
What is a post-marital agreement?
Getting married and didn’t make a pre-nuptial agreement? It’s not too late to protect your assets. A post-marital agreement is made after the marriage takes place, but before separation, divorce, or death takes place. In order for your post-marital agreement to be valid and not nullified by a court, both parties must disclose all of… Continue reading →
How can I change my name?
In California, if you want to change your name, you must file a Petition for a Change of Name and fill out the Order to Show Cause for Change of Name. Once you file this petition, you will receive a court date on your Order to Show Cause between six and twelve weeks away. If… Continue reading →
Changing your name after marriage
Today, it is not necessary to change your name to your husband’s after you are married like so many women did years ago. You have several options, which include: · A husband can take his wife’s last name or the wife can take her husband’s last name · A wife can use both names by… Continue reading →