When a couple decides to divorce, numerous questions arise regarding who will pay for what. The questions continue when it comes time to divide the assets held in both names. A quitclaim deed most of the time is the best way to go. When both parties have their name on a home or vehicle or… Continue reading →
Posts Tagged ‘judge’
Are you charged with parental kidnapping?
Frequently both parents have equal rights regarding their children. They can decided where their children can go and for how long. When parental kidnapping takes place, it is very rarely about the child – it is mostly about the parents. Parental kidnapping takes place when one parent takes the child to an unknown location to… Continue reading →
Are you charged with contempt of court?
When an individual is charged with contempt of court in Family court it is because he or she failed to obey an order issued by that court pertaining to child custody, child support or spousal support. California Penal Code 166 refers to any behavior that is disrespectful to the court process. Besides failing to obey… Continue reading →
Held in contempt?
Are you being held in contempt of court? Were you found to be disrespectful or disruptive in court? Or, did you fail to comply with a court order, such as child support? Contempt of court cases are taken seriously by most family law judges, especially when it involves matters involving children. If you fail to… Continue reading →
Relocation issues
When a couple with children divorces, it is important for the parents to successfully co-parent with each other. In order for this to happen, certain agreements must be made in addition to the custody agreement. What happens when one of the parents wants or needs to move out of California? It is the goal of… Continue reading →
Child custody issues
Did you know that child custody is not always connected to divorce? Custody issues come up in other situations also. Examples include a couple that had a child together but never married. Now they are breaking up and facing a custody dispute. A primary caretaker, such as a stepparent or grandparent may seek custody. It… Continue reading →
What to do if served with divorce papers?
If you are served with divorce papers, you have 30 days to file a ‘response’ with the court. The response is a document that tells the court you are interested in proceeding with the divorce, being notified of any court dates, and you will be participating in the divorce process – in the courtroom. If… Continue reading →
Domestic violence injunctions
If your spouse or partner is threatening you or has physically abused you, do not put up with this behavior. By filing a domestic violence injunction, you can have that person removed from your home and barred from coming near you or contacting you. False accusations of domestic violence during divorce proceedings can hurt either… Continue reading →
Unmarried couple and ownership of real estate
Are you in a relationship without the benefit of marriage? Have you recently moved into your partner’s home? What happens if the relationship ends? If your relationship ends because the two of you no longer want to be together, chances are one of you will not be happy and you will not remain friendly. There… Continue reading →
Annulling a marriage in California
Marriage is supposed to be a special bond between two people who have decided to spend the rest of their lives together. Sometimes it takes years to come to that decision, while other times, it is made on the spur of the moment. When made on the spur of the moment, oftentimes one or both… Continue reading →