Plenty of mothers feel as if they should be home with their children instead of working – but in a day and age where many families consist of both parents working, this can be a challenge in and of itself. You may have had thoughts about taking time off of work and staying at home… Continue reading →
Posts Tagged ‘families’
Children and Parents: Blended Families in California
In 1996, something known as the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act passed, which would lead to a state form used for voluntary paternity acknowledgement. In 2000, something new known as the Uniform Parentage Act came about to establish the parentage of children born to both married and unmarried couples. This would not only… Continue reading →
Winter Vacation Tips for Parents That Are Divorced
What happens when you have just gone through a divorce and the holidays are approaching? Where will your children go and what will you do? This transition may be one of the hardest in regards to divorce, especially when there are children involved. Now you can learn some tips about how to handle winter vacation… Continue reading →
Parental Alienation and the Courts
The courts agree on a very important aspect involved with raising children: maintaining healthy and strong relationships between both parents. However, what happens when one parent makes it impossible for those strong relationships to occur? This may be a standard case of parental alienation, where one parent targets the other by “programming” the child a… Continue reading →