There is help for victims of domestic violence. A Domestic Violence Restraining Order is an order signed by a civil court judge demanding that an abuser leave you alone or he or she will face serious legal consequences. It offers protection for both women and men. The Domestic Violence Prevention Act was created to protect… Continue reading →
Posts Tagged ‘attorney’
Should I stay in the marriage or not?
No one can make the decision of whether you should stay in your marriage or leave it, but you. A confused person who considers the option of raising his or her child as a single person or in a home with two parents is most likely to stay. On the other hand, if a person… Continue reading →
Divorce and changes
Statistics show that 50% of all marriages will end in divorce. In Southern California, the rate is higher. The purpose of marriage has changed throughout the years. Once upon a time, it was the role of the man to make the living while the woman stayed home to care for the children. Today, it is… Continue reading →
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
A recent newspaper article stated that “Elder abuse is predicted to increase”. Did you know that in 2010 about 7,500 Orange County senior citizens suffered financial and/or physical abuse? Scams have become more and more common for elderly people. They are taken advantage of every day by someone who tricks them into giving them money… Continue reading →
Coping with divorce at holiday time
Summer is approaching, and so is the holiday season. First, there’s July 4th, then Labor Day, then Thanksgiving and then Christmas and the New Year will be here. Holidays are when family and friends get together to show their love for each other and to have a good day. When a couple is going through… Continue reading →
Are you heading for divorce?
If you think your marriage is heading for divorce, ask yourself the following: Do you and your spouse communicate? If the answer is no, look out. Communication is the most important part of a marriage. Without it, you have nothing. Compromise is very important with your partner. You should not let issues go unresolved –… Continue reading →
Caretaker suspect of using stolen credit cards
A 44-year old caretaker in a Laguna Hills nursing home was arrested for allegedly stealing credit cards from the home’s residents to purchase more than $4,000 in merchandise. Santa Ana police learned of the thefts when a man reported that his elderly father’s credit cards had been used in several cities – and not by… Continue reading →
What to expect from a divorce
No two divorce cases are the same. Each couple comes into the divorce process with different issues, different assets, children or no children. Divorce can be very emotional and difficult. The thought of starting over, not seeing your children every day, being alone – the future is unknown. California, a community property state, divides the… Continue reading →
Your spouse and the divorce papers
When you want a divorce but your spouse does not, how do you get him or her to sign the divorce papers? It usually is not easy. It will not help your case if you are bitter and angry, maybe even nasty. If you want your spouse to cooperate with you, be nice. Be polite;… Continue reading →
New California divorce laws
If you are contemplating divorce, read the new 2011 divorce laws which help a couple go through the divorce process using mediation instead of the court system. Effective January, 2011, all divorce hearings require oral testimony unless both parties wave their rights. In some cases a judge may decide against oral testimony since it takes… Continue reading →