Did you know that child custody is not always connected to divorce? Custody issues come up in other situations also. Examples include a couple that had a child together but never married. Now they are breaking up and facing a custody dispute. A primary caretaker, such as a stepparent or grandparent may seek custody. It… Continue reading →
Posts Tagged ‘attorney’
What to do if served with divorce papers?
If you are served with divorce papers, you have 30 days to file a ‘response’ with the court. The response is a document that tells the court you are interested in proceeding with the divorce, being notified of any court dates, and you will be participating in the divorce process – in the courtroom. If… Continue reading →
Interstate custody cases
It is common for parents to move from one state to another, but when there is a threat that your rights as a parent will change forever, it is natural to feel anxiety, fear and hurt. Is your ex-spouse trying to deprive you of the right to be with your child? When a custodial parent… Continue reading →
When do child support obligations end?
In most cases, child support payments end when the child reaches the age of majority – 18 or 21. However, there are many factors to take into consideration when determining this. There are incidences when payments do not end until the child graduates from college. If your child becomes emancipated, your support obligations end…. Continue reading →
What to tell your children about your divorce
Anyone who has gone through a divorce knows how painful, stressful and confusing this time can be, especially when there are children involved. Concerns arise about who, what, when, where, and how to tell your children. The following are some helpful and positive tips: Sit down with your spouse and decide what you are going… Continue reading →
Spousal support obligation
For those of you paying spousal support – there is an end. California courts do not favor indefinite payments – they allow you to revisit the issue in order to reduce or eliminate the payments. If you have a significant change in your circumstances, you can request a post judgment modification. If you believe you… Continue reading →
Domestic violence injunctions
If your spouse or partner is threatening you or has physically abused you, do not put up with this behavior. By filing a domestic violence injunction, you can have that person removed from your home and barred from coming near you or contacting you. False accusations of domestic violence during divorce proceedings can hurt either… Continue reading →
Should I divorce or reconcile?
Have you and your spouse separated and have two different residences? Are you now having second thoughts about a divorce? There will be days when you have doubts about divorce – can you make it on your own, will you have enough money to survive, can you make major decisions without your spouse’s help? Are… Continue reading →
What is an order of protection?
An order of protection is issued by a court in order to protect an individual from being harmed by another due to acts of violence, abuse, threats or harassment. In most cases, they are issued as a result of domestic violence – to keep a spouse and/or children safe from their spouse or partner. There… Continue reading →
Separation and moving out
I have been asked, “Does one person have to move out of the house when separating?” With today’s economy being the way it is, it can be difficult financially to maintain two separate households while going through a separation or divorce. The courts tend to preserve the status quo when children are involved. If you… Continue reading →