Martindale-Hubbell is the most trusted legal directory for finding and researching the best attorneys in the business since 1868. Its database has allowed many people in communities zero in on the attorney that fits their needs from practice areas, client ratings, and more. This week, Amy Montes received the 10 Year Anniversary plaque for proudly… Continue reading →
Archive for the ‘Divorce’ Category
Tips to Remember for the Best Courtroom Custody Outcome
Everybody wants what’s best for their child in divorce, but sometimes these matters can become a difficult matter when custody battles end up in the courtroom. The tensions may be high as you and your spouse argue over matters like where the child will reside, who will be making major decisions on behalf of them,… Continue reading →
Can I Receive a Temporary Alimony Order Until Our Hearing?
Before your divorce actually takes place in court, you may find yourself in a position where you are struggling financially and wonder where you can turn. Fortunately, sometimes temporary spousal support (or alimony) can be given in the meantime until a court judgment. You could be left in a situation where you have very little… Continue reading →
Why You Should Never Base Your Divorce on Seeking Revenge
When divorce takes an ugly turn, a spouse may seek revenge for the wrongdoing that took place before or during the divorce. However, the simple truth is that this always backfires. Many women believe that they can control their ex through matters like alimony or holding child visitation over their heads, not knowing that the… Continue reading →
As a Divorcing Wife, Should my Husband Pay Legal Fees?
With divorce accruing fees in many different areas, you may be overwhelmed at legal fees and what effect they are having on your life and finances. Does this mean that you can force your husband to pay for your legal fees throughout the divorce? Unfortunately, no, and if they are unwilling to help, this does… Continue reading →
How do You Divide Property and Debt During a Divorce?
How do you determine how property and debt is divided during and after your divorce has been finalized? What happens in regards to your marital home? Unfortunately, it is not easy to see the answers to these seemingly simple questions when you first enter into the divorce process. This is why it is always a… Continue reading →
When Separation is the Best Option and How the Process Works
It can be a very complicated process to decide whether legal separation or divorce is best for you. Weighing your options will only help you in the end, when you must consider things like custody, assets, and where you want to live. How are the two different? Why will a separation work best for you?… Continue reading →
What Are my Rights in a Divorce with Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence in marriages is a very real issue, and something that is sadly overlooked all too often. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence has found that a woman is assaulted or beaten in the U.S. every 9 seconds, and domestic violence hotlines get about 28,000 calls each day. In many of these situations, there… Continue reading →
How Relocation Laws Are Decided in Terms of Child Custody
When you have a child custody order in place with the other parent, a relocation can put a damper on things. Either from you or your spouse, this makes visitation much more difficult for your child, who will now be separated from the other parent for a certain amount of time. In many cases, one… Continue reading →