Void Marriage: Can I Receive an Annulment After Marriage?

Here is one point you always have to remember: There has to be a reason for an annulment. You can’t just get an annulment “because,” which is why it is important to understand how they work and how soon after marriage the process must be completed to be void. You may have a limited amount… Continue reading →

Concerning the Marital Home: Can I Have My Ex Removed?

There are many issues weighing down your mind after you have gotten a divorce. One of the biggest issues, and one you might have to face dealing with right away, are your post-separation living arrangements. You may be wondering if you can make the other spouse leave your marital home, especially if you plan on… Continue reading →

Determining Head of Household After You’ve Been Divorced

If you are divorced and there is a dependent child living at home, you may be thinking about who gets to claim head of household. If you are low-income and you are now considered single, this could lead to a higher tax refund, and you could get back money that will benefit you in many… Continue reading →

The Many Steps of Child Custody Mediation and Why It’s Vital

Child custody is an extremely important decision that you make with your ex-spouse when you decide who is going to make legal decisions for your child and how much time they’re going to spend with both of you. Because of this, many couples find that they can’t agree and their cases end up in front… Continue reading →

Judges or Parents: Who Determines Reasonable Visitation?

When it comes to your child custody issues, one of the major aspects you might be thinking about is the determination of reasonable visitation and how much the other parent is going to see your child. The process of visitation can sometimes be a difficult one, because one parent may want more time with the… Continue reading →

How Retirement Plans Are Typically Divided in a Divorce

When it comes to your assets and divorce, you want what’s best for you and your family. Retirement plans between you and your ex matter a lot to you, which is why you want to understand what will happen when you and your ex get a divorce. Retirement savings happen to be some of the… Continue reading →

When Shared, 50/50 Custody is Right and When It Isn’t

What does it mean when you have shared custody with your ex-spouse? Shared (also known as joint) custody is when the custody arrangements are split as evenly as possible between each parent. This means that you are typically sharing time with the child in equal measure, or whichever arrangement works for you to get as… Continue reading →

Protecting Yourself, Assets and More During Divorce

You and your spouse are going through the divorce process and it has proven that it is not an easy experience. As much as you always thought and promised that you would trust your spouse, everything is up in the air when it comes to divorce and how easily the tables can turn during this… Continue reading →

My Ex-Spouse is Disabled, How Will They Pay Child Support?

When it comes to child support, many things are cut and dry. For instance, parents know that they will be responsible for child support payments as a non-custodial parent and also know that they should never miss these payments. Perhaps when your child support payments first started out, everything was typical – but then a… Continue reading →

Pros and Cons of Getting a Prenup: Is it Right For You?

You have probably heard lots about the ‘prenuptial agreement,’ an agreement that is signed by a couple before they enter into a marriage. You may have seen them going terribly wrong on television shows or heard from a friend that they are great means for protection in your relationship, because you just never know what… Continue reading →

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