Every divorce is different, which means everyone experiences different outcomes. If you are entering into the divorce process, you may have heard rumors from others close to you or on the Internet regarding divorce. Today we want to take a closer look at some of the myths of divorce to shed some light on the truth…. Continue reading →
Posts Tagged ‘options’
Divorce Myths You May Have Heard Of: Are They True?
Amy Montes on Thursday, December 28th, 2017
Posted in Children, Conflict Resolution, Divorce, Parental rights | Comments Off on Divorce Myths You May Have Heard Of: Are They True?
Annulments: FAQ on Your Options Regarding Separations
Amy Montes on Wednesday, August 30th, 2017
If you are considering a divorce, you may want to know that there are more options standing between you and the results you wish to see. Did you know that you might be able to go through an annulment or a separation? First, you will want to weigh your options and determine which best fits… Continue reading →
Posted in Annulment, Divorce, Legal Separation | Comments Off on Annulments: FAQ on Your Options Regarding Separations
Can I Have Child Support Reduced if I Have Lost my Job?
Amy Montes on Monday, July 3rd, 2017
When there have been changes in your financial situation, you are probably already aware that you can go back and modify your order. In many cases, this is done when you receive a new job and have a completely different salary. Sometimes, a modification is requested because you have a decrease in pay and can’t… Continue reading →
Posted in Child Support, Children | Comments Off on Can I Have Child Support Reduced if I Have Lost my Job?
What Are Some Reasons Why my Annulment Was Denied?
Amy Montes on Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017
When you file for an annulment, you may hope that things go smoothly so that it makes the process of separation that much easier. However, sometimes annulments are denied, leaving you with little in the way of options. If your annulment is denied, you will have to go through the divorce process if you no… Continue reading →
When One Parent Won’t Agree to a Custody Order Change
Amy Montes on Tuesday, April 18th, 2017
If you are involved in a custody agreement, you probably already understand that this agreement is legally binding and both parents must share the child according to what is written on the agreement. If you want to change anything that appears on the order, you and your ex-spouse or partner have the freedom to do… Continue reading →
Understanding the Various Types of Child Custody
Amy Montes on Monday, March 6th, 2017
Child custody is a determination that is sometimes brought up during the divorce process. However, there are many different types of child custody that you should know about and what each one means for you and your ex-spouse. You and your attorney will talk about the best choice for your case and circumstances based on… Continue reading →
What to Expect – Typical Divorce Settlements in California
Amy Montes on Wednesday, July 27th, 2016
What happens if you reside in California and you are seeking a divorce? These can be some extremely confusing and trying times, but you will make it through, especially with an experienced divorce attorney on your side. Luckily for you, we have the facts regarding California divorce cases. In California, there are two types of… Continue reading →
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What’s the Difference Between Collaborative Law and Cooperative Law in Divorce?
Amy Montes on Tuesday, April 5th, 2016
If you are headed for a divorce or currently in the midst of one, you may have exhausted all of your possible options at least to your knowledge. You may not know which type of divorce is the right one for you or for your family, with the best outcomes. You may have heard about… Continue reading →
Posted in Collaborative law, Divorce | Comments Off on What’s the Difference Between Collaborative Law and Cooperative Law in Divorce?
Same-Sex Divorce: Why Mediation or Collaborative are the Best Options
Amy Montes on Wednesday, March 30th, 2016
When a couple decides to get a divorce, there are a few different options available for them to use. These options are as follows: Litigation: The couple can decide to take their divorce and the issues involved in their divorce to a judge in order to attempt to divide their property and handle issues… Continue reading →
Posted in Collaborative law, Conflict Resolution, Divorce | Comments Off on Same-Sex Divorce: Why Mediation or Collaborative are the Best Options
Is litigation my best option?
Amy Montes on Friday, September 27th, 2013
With the divorce rate in California being around 50 percent, couples getting a divorce are weighing their options. If the couple is friendly enough with each other and there is no constant bickering, they can consider Collaborative divorce and mediation. These options allow the couple to work out their differences without costly litigation. Litigation is… Continue reading →
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Our legal team is dedicated to helping individuals achieve new beginnings after divorce and other complicated family law issues. Attorney Amy Montes', dedication and experience led to her being named one of 2009's Who's Who in Orange County in Orange County Lawyers Magazine.
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