Finances After Divorce

I have been asked many times by my women clients how to proceed with financial issues after their divorce is final.

I have no doubts that you are looking for the entire divorce situation to be over – the emotions, the finance issues, all the hassles; you are ready to move on with your life and your future as a single woman.

Life as a single woman will be new to you, it will bring new responsibilities, including handling your personal finances, especially if that was your husband’s responsibility all these years. Now you have to prepare to handle all the budgeting and bill paying, saving for a rainy day or your child’s education, fulfilling long-term goals, and not accumulating debts.

I am sure that you’ve become familiar with your financial situation during the divorce process. It is not difficult to get on the road to financial stability if you follow some easy steps:

  • Create a budget that works for you – balance your income and your expenses
  • If you changed your name, make sure to notify your bank, the Social Security
    Administration, motor vehicle bureau, credit card companies, etc.
  • Obtain a copy of your divorce decree
  • Close any and all joint credit accounts
  • Remove your husband’s name from all remaining accounts, etc.
  • Check into health insurance
  • Open new accounts – bank, credit cards

If the financial issues of a divorce are not addressed, it could mean trouble for you down the road. Contact Amy M. Montes, an experienced Orange County Family Law attorney who offers a unique and invaluable service to those divorcing – allowing you to turn your dreams into goals so you can concentrate on creating your new and improved life.