Can I Collect Spousal Support?

It is important to protect your future. Those ordered to pay spousal support sometimes have misconceptions about it. It is not a punishment the court inflicts on one spouse.

Spousal support allows the lower-earning spouse to maintain his or her standard of living during the marriage – while moving towards self-sufficiency – if possible.

The amount is determined by the higher-earning spouse’s ability to pay and the lower-earning spouse’s needs.
Other factors included in the determination include:

  • The duration of the marriage
  • Amount each party contributed to the marital estate
  • Each party’s age, medical or economic situation
  • Potential for future salary

Most divorce cases are stressful and filled with a lot of emotion. It is important that when you’re facing a divorce and are struggling to obtain spousal support or pay it, that you contact the experienced Orange County family law offices of Amy M. Montes.

We can clearly explain your rights when it comes to spousal support and other divorce disputes. We will listen to your concerns and assess the likely outcome of each legal option. The decisions you make will have a significant impact on the rest of your life.