What happens during the divorce process?

Although there are some divorces that are easy and involve minimal help from an attorney, there are many that are not simple and require a lot of time from an experienced Orange County Divorce attorney.

The divorce process:

·     One of the spouses initiates the process by filing a complaint with the court listing the grounds

      for divorce

·     The other spouse is served with a summons

·     The spouse who receives the summons must respond within the time limit.  If he or she does

     not, it is assumed that the divorce is uncontested

·     The meetings with an Orange County Divorce attorney to discuss family issues begins

·     Sometimes the couple reaches a mutual settlement; other times, the divorce may have to

     progress to a trial – a judge will decide the terms

If you are thinking about divorce, hiring the right Orange County Divorce attorney can make all the difference in the outcome of your divorce or related family law matters.