An annulment is a legal process to declare your marriage null and void. Once the annulment is granted, the marriage never existed in the eyes of the law. An annulment will be granted if one of the parties is already married, is a minor, is not capable of copulation, and was threatened if the marriage… Continue reading →
Posts Tagged ‘judge’
Out-of-State Custody
When a couple is divorced and one parent wants to move out of the area, things can become difficult – problems can and will arise. If your former spouse is moving out of the state, you need to be able to communicate with him or her in order to make a difficult and complex situation… Continue reading →
A father’s rights
California courts do not show favoritism to a mother or father in child custody cases. They look at who will have the best interest of the child and who will provide the best care. The court takes into consideration the parent who can provide the most stable home environment, including school, and family support. Courts… Continue reading →
Can you receive your husband’s pension?
In case you are not aware, a pension that your husband will receive is part of marital property in a California divorce. The distribution is usually up to the court. The court may divide the amount, giving each party a percentage, which is distributed at retirement or it may award the entire amount to your… Continue reading →