1. Be upfront about your income and expenses. Provide verification of your income, including your last 6 months’ of wage stubs and your last 2 years’ of tax returns at the outset of your case. Also, provide verification of your monthly living expenses so that everyone is on the same page about what is reasonable… Continue reading →
Posts Tagged ‘attorney’
What can I expect from a divorce/legal separation?
Seeking to divorce from your spouse is never an easy decision it’s difficult under any circumstance. Each divorce action is unique however there is one common theme in all divorce actions and that is the importance of having a general knowledge of the applicable law. Decisions may have to be made in a short time… Continue reading →
The California divorce process in 4 steps
Initial Filings – The Petition and Summons In order to start the divorce process in California, one spouse files for divorce by filling out two very basic court forms: the “Petition” and the “Summons.” This initial paperwork is filed with the court, and then served upon the other spouse. After being served, the other spouse… Continue reading →
Child support defined
Child support, as its name implies, is a means of providing money from the higher earning parent to the lower earning parent in order to provide for the necessities of life (and other items as well) for the benefit of the minor children. Under California law, parents are required to continue providing financially for their… Continue reading →
Divorce…child custody & visitation
Pause for a moment and take a deep breath. As you exhale, forget about how much you despise your ex. Forget about the petty things you could do to get back at him or her. Forget about alimony, child support, and the new person you have seen them with. Instead, think of the children you had with… Continue reading →
California cohabitation agreements
Cohabitation occurs when two people live together, are engaged in an intimate relationship and do not have a legal commitment such as a valid marriage or recognized domestic partnership. When couples cohabitate, California law does not recognize their individual assets as community property as when two people are married. It is not hard to see… Continue reading →
Common Property & Divorce
Many family legal issues can come up during a divorce process. For example, if Kobe Bryant’s California divorce proceedings were to resume, it could cost the basketball player an estimated $1.36 million a month. There might be many other family law issues presented by the potential high-asset divorce if it were to proceed as well,… Continue reading →
Understanding Common Law Marriages
Have you been living in the same home with a significant other for an extended period of time? Does your relationship feel like a marriage, even though neither one of you wants the formality of a big ceremony? You may already be married under the law. Cohabitation over extended periods may lead to what is… Continue reading →
Visitiation Orders
When a family goes through a divorce, children tend to suffer the most. Divorce is a big change, and it is sometimes difficult for a child to understand why these changes are happening and what led to their parents’ split. These questions are sometimes far beyond what a child can comprehend, making these troubled times… Continue reading →
What about the children?
Divorce is not only hard on the couple; it is hard on the children. Your children will needs a lot of love and support to get through this stressful time, especially younger children who do not have the skills to verbally communicate their emotions. Younger children have the tendency to act out or become withdrawn… Continue reading →