Pet custody

Today, the family pet is more than just a possession.  He or she is part of the family – a child to the couple who does not have any children.  To most pet owners, a dog or cat holds a special place in the heart and living without the furry friend can be devastating. 

It might sound silly to some, but there are many couples that have heated debates over who will have primary custody over the family pet.  It is unfortunate but the law states that pets are property and are not viewed as children in a custody matter.  However, there are some judges that allow special discussions about the pet and actually make rulings regarding visitation.  When children are involved, the pet almost always remains in the home with the children. 

If you are having problems deciding who will get “custody” of the family pet and you cannot come to an agreement with your former spouse, contact an experienced Orange County Family Law attorney who can help you and your spouse arrive at a decision that is beneficial to all concerned.