Permanent spousal support

Depending on your circumstances, spousal support could last for just a few months or for a lifetime.  Permanent support is sometimes awarded to individuals who have relied solely on their spouse’s income.  In addition, their age, health or lack of work experience makes them unemployable.

It is up to the court’s discretion when awarding support or alimony.  The court takes into consideration the length of the marriage, the health of each spouse, both physical and mental, and each spouse’s work experience – to name a few.

Permanent support is only awarded in certain instances, such as when one spouse is disabled or is elderly.  The support can continue until one spouse dies or there is a significant change in circumstances.  The individual requesting permanent support must prove that he or she needs the money to maintain the same lifestyle enjoyed in the marriage.

If you have questions regarding spousal support, contact an experienced Orange County Family Law attorney who will protect your rights and financial interests.