Are you living in a home filled with domestic violence? You are not alone. According to statistics, 1 in 4 women have been violently attacked by a partner in their lifetime.
Not to worry – you have rights! No one has the right to put their hands on you, cause you fear or threaten you. A restraining order> issued against the abuser prevents further instances of domestic violence from happening. If violated, the abuser will face serious legal consequences.
A restraining order may:
- Order the abuser out of your residence for good
- Order the abuser not to threaten or harm you in any way
- Take custody away temporarily or permanently
- Order the abuser to go to counseling
- Etc.
Restraining orders can be confusing. If you are seeking or challenging a restraining order, contact Amy M. Montes, an experienced Family Law attorney located in Orange County. Amy will help you determine the facts, proceed in the direction best for you and your children and provide you the security you need.