Making divorce easier for the children

Divorce is never easy on a couple, regardless of who initiated it and for what reasons.  It is especially difficult on children, particularly younger ones that do not understand what is happening between their parents.

Although you can never take away the pain and confusion surrounding your children during the divorce process, there are ways to lessen the negative effects on them.  When discussing making it an easier process, the collaborative law process comes to mind.  This process allows the couple to take control of their divorce and mutually make their choices using cooperative strategies, rather than allowing the court to do so

You are not alone.  Your attorneys will be with you during the negotiation process. Your attorney’s priority is for you to reach a mutually agreed-upon settlement.  The process remains positive and productive for you and your spouse.  The collaborative law process offers numerous benefits, including:

·         Less traumatic impact on you and your family

·         Both parties can ask questions and express their concerns

·         Both parties are working together to reach decisions

·         Attorney fees can be lower – no litigation

·         All comments remain confidential

If you are interested in more information regarding the collaborative law process, contact an Orange County Divorce attorney who is familiar and successful with this process – who will help you decide if this is your best option for divorce.