Is mediation for you?

Once upon a time going through the divorce process meant sitting and arguing in a courtroom.  Today, there are new possibilities for couples that include mediation and alternative dispute resolution.

Most couples face a hostile divorce, especially when children are involved.  Custody issues can lead to lengthy conflicts that disrupt the family member’s lives.  Mediation not only helps establish a workable parenting plan, but it often resolves other family issues as well.

Because mediation takes place in a neutral environment with a neutral third party as their host, mutual agreements are often made. The process is non-adversarial, respectful of one another and the communication between the two flows well.  The couple has complete decision-making power and is in control of the outcome that is best for their family.  In addition, it is a more cost-effective means to resolve conflicts.

If you have questions regarding how the mediation process works and if it can best benefit your situation, contact an experienced Orange County Divorce attorney who can help you decide what works best for you and your family.