Emotional Abuse in Your Relationship and Its Role in Divorce

When you want to divorce an emotionally abusive partner, you may think that these details will not have any effect on your divorce. However, this is far from the truth. The truth of the matter is that any type of abuse against a partner must be visited in divorce proceedings, especially in cases where assets and children are involved. You want to protect yourself and your rights at all costs during divorce, which is where we come in.

Understanding Emotional Abuse

Sometimes, you may feel in love with your partner and other times you may feel as if you just want to throw in the towel. Emotional abuse may not be treated as seriously in society, but it is still a serious matter and just as crucial as physical abuse. You may be suffering from feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness – and, if you have told your partner about plans to divorce, this may have aggravated the abuse. In many cases, divorce worsens the emotional abuse, which is why you must know what to do.

Luckily for you, there are laws that protect you from this abuse and it can have a direct impact on your divorce. When you have spoken to your partner about divorce or filed, it is important to carefully document every instance of the abuse. You should hold onto important text messages, emails, handwritten notes, voicemails, and so much more. This will be the best evidence to present to the judge in your proceedings. Best of all, if you have children you could be protecting them through this evidence. Forms of child emotional abuse are psychologically damaging to children, and the courts recognize this growing issue – prohibiting it in all cases.

Judges look at the best interests of the child when making future custody decisions. If a parent is being extremely emotionally abusive and this has been reported or documented, their chances at obtaining custody are slim to none. The judge will consider things like a parent’s mental health, their ability to meet the child’s needs, the child’s relationship with the parent, or their history of violence or abuse.

You may have questions for us such as how to prove your case even though the abuse is not physical, or what examples of emotional abuse would be best for court. We have the necessary means to get you the best outcome in your case. Call us today to speak with us about your case.