Domestic violence and divorce

Domestic violence sometimes plays a big role in when it comes to divorce.  It can be a factor for the spouse to ask for a divorce and it can come after the spouse has asked for the divorce.  It comes in the form of physical abuse, threats and emotional abuse.

Domestic violence is when one spouse wants to take control of the other spouse’s life.  It can occur between partners who are dating, married, or just living together.  Domestic violence includes:

·     Sexual assault

·     Rape

·     Stalking

·     Intimidation

·     Financial control

·     Forbidding a partner to have contact with the outside word

·     Actual or threatened physical harm

Domestic violence may be subject to both criminal and civil consequences.  Consequences include a jail or prison sentence and money damages.

If you are a victim of domestic violence, it would be wise to contact an experienced Orange County Family Law attorney who will explain your case and discuss where your case stands on legal grounds.  Remember, no one has the right to abuse another person.