Do men receive alimony?

In today’s world, women are not the only ones receiving alimony – more and more women are now paying their former husbands alimony.

After a divorce, alimony has to be paid by one party to the other. This usually occurs where one spouse earns more than the other, particularly if the difference is significant. Often, it lasts for years, depending on the length of the marriage.

It wasn’t that long ago when men were the bread winners and women stayed home with the children.

It is no longer certain that the man will earn more than his wife. More and more couples believe that it makes sense for the husband to stay home and look after their children, while his higher-earning wife works.

This means that cases of women having to pay alimony is becoming increasingly common. The cases of men receiving alimony are still low compared to women, but it is rising – as women’s earnings grow, so will their financial responsibility during divorce – a trend that is likely to continue in the future.

It is not uncommon for men or women to have legitimate grievances about the amount of alimony payments. Some people carry an undue burden supporting their former spouses, while some recipients of alimony don’t get enough.

To ensure a fair and equitable divorce settlement, it is important to seek help from a family law attorney with experience in alimony and other issues related to divorce. Contact the Orange County family law offices of Amy M. Montes to make sure that all aspects of your case are handled properly.

Having an experienced attorney on your side can help make that happen.