Alimony modification

Alimony or spousal support is paid by one spouse to the spouse with fewer financial resources when the couple divorces.  The purpose is to help the less financially advantaged spouse transition into a new life.

Before alimony is awarded by the court, it must be proven that the circumstances demand such an order.  If the situation changes after the official orders are made, a modification can be requested.  For example, the support may no longer be needed or the paying part can no longer afford to make payments because of job loss or illness.  In addition, if the receiving party gets re-married, the support can be ordered to stop.

If you have been ordered to pay alimony, but have recently lost your job, a judge can decrease the amount of your monthly payments or terminate them all together.  If you have questions regarding the alimony you are paying, contact an experienced Orange County Family Law attorney to discuss a potential alimony modification.