Tips for a Successful Divorce

Divorce is not only about ending a marriage, it is also about reestablishing your new and separate life. The focus should be on the future.

Successfully getting a divorce is not about filling out the correct paperwork and fulfilling certain legal requirements. It’s about successfully recovering emotionally from this life-changing event, as well as finding ways to move on and be happy again.

Going through a divorce is one of the most difficult events that you will face in your life. When children are involved, it is further complicated with custody issues and child support. Anyone who has been through one can tell you how exhausting the divorce process is mentally, physically, and emotionally.

You ask, “How can I have a successful divorce?” By taking the following tips into consideration you will be well on your way?

  1. Inform your spouse of the decision to seek a divorceman and woman signing document or prenup
  2. Agree to always act in the best interests of the children
  3. Decide which type of divorce you want: mediation, litigation or collaboration
  4. Share complete and accurate financial information with your spouse
  5. Prepare a budget
  6. Retain a financial adviser to review all the financial data you have gathered
  7. If necessary, see a therapist
  8. Commit to treating all parties involved with respect and dignity

A successful divorce is simply ending an unhappy relationship in a way that allow you to re-enter the world as a functioning, independent adult who is ready to move forward with your life and see what lies ahead.

If, in the end, you are able to look back on the divorce and realize that you and your ex-spouse put the needs of your children first, kept your interactions amiable, and that your communication skills have improved, then you may indeed, consider your divorce a success.

If you have any questions regarding a successful divorce or any other family issues, contact the Orange County family law offices of Amy M. Montes. We can help you understand what is in your best interests and protect your rights.

At the Law Offices of Amy M. Montes, our Irvine divorce attorney provide extensive representation tailored to each client’s unique situation, schedule an appointment to discuss your case and review all your options.