What Is An Annulment?

Divorce may be the most common legal way to end a marriage, but it may not be your only option. Depending on your circumstances, you may be able to have your marriage annulled. An experienced family law attorney can answer any questions you may have and help you determined if you are able to have your marriage annulled.

If a marriage is annulled, the marriage is considered never to have taken place. The marriage becomes null and void.

Essentially, an annulment may be available if one of the following occurred:

  • Bigamy – either one already married
  • Fraud – someone coerced into the marriage
  • Age – one spouse was too young to marry
  • Mental incompetence – either was mentally ill or under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs
  • Physical incompetence – couldn’t consummate the marriage
  • Concealment – either hid an aspect of personality, including addiction, STDs, felony conviction
  • Prison – one sentenced to life in prison at the time of the wedding

If you are eligible for a marital annulment, contact the Orange County family law offices of Amy M. Montes. Amy is highly capable of bring forth the evidence necessary for the court to grand your annulment and guide you through the process. She is committed to helping you end your marriage in the legal manner best aligned to your individual needs and principles.