Temporary Restraining Orders

California takes a very strict view of domestic violence, and proof of such violence carries significant consequences. Even an allegation of abuse can have an immediate effect on the alleged abuser’s freedom.

If you have been abused or threatened, you can apply for an ex-parte temporary protective order or temporary restraining order from the Superior Court. If the judge awards you one, the aggressing party can be forcibly removed from your house and ordered to stay away from you and your children.

A temporary restraining order or TRO can last up to 30 days – after which a hearing will be held to determine whether to issue a more permanent order – one that can last for a year or more. If the aggressor violates the order, he or she can be arrested.

At the Orange County family law offices of Amy M. Montes, we take swift legal action for both men and women who:

  • Are in physical danger of abuse or violence
  • Have fear that their children are in danger
  • Have been falsely accused of domestic violence

Do not take chances with your safety or your rights. Contact our offices as soon as possible to ensure that you and your family are protected.