What You Shouldn’t Do in the Midst of a Custody Battle

Sad little child, boy, hugging his mother at homeWhen you are involved in a divorce, you may find that times are stressful. However, under the pressure, you cannot break when you are working hard to win aspects of your case and raise your children to the best of your ability. Now you can keep some tips in mind when working through the divorce process and attempting to gain child custody.

What Not to do 

Self-representation: You may think that you are cutting costs through representing yourself instead of seeking out the help of an attorney. However, custody litigation can be entirely complex and this is why it is best to seek our help in the midst of your case.

Lying: Parents will sometimes outright lie in the courtroom because they believe that it will help their position and make them appear in a positive light. However, this will backfire and ruin your credibility. You know what is best in your case so stick to the facts and away from lies.

Order Violation: The judge will always know you as the parent who violated orders in future proceedings, so make sure you stick to the order. You never want to make a negative appearance in the eyes of the judge. 

Child Coaching: Children will sometimes become involved in the court process and will meet with an expert to discuss matters. If your child is being interviewed, you want them to speak from experience, not from what you coached them to say. You never want to tell a child to speak badly about another parent because an expert will be able to tell. 

Negative Speaking: Try to keep your opinions about your ex-spouse to yourself during proceedings and in the future. You do not want your child to hear your frustrations and worry or think that one parent is “bad.” 

Drug and Alcohol Abuse: Drug and alcohol abuse can be used against you. This is why you want to stay away from both to strengthen your case. You could be putting your children, and yourself, at risk.

If you have an upcoming custody case, we would like to help you through the sometimes-complex process. Call us today at The Law Offices of Amy M. Montes for more information on how we can guide you during your time of need.