Immediately After Being Served Divorce Papers

Child Support TaxesDepending on your situation, you may not have expected to be served papers for divorce. However, we can help you through the difficult circumstances that may have brought turmoil to your life in a short amount of time. The first question you must ask is this: Are you going through an uncontested or contested divorce? There may be many issues at the heart of your divorce that you wish to resolve, concerning things like division of marital property, custody of children, and payment of child support. An uncontested divorce tends to move much more quickly and helps the spouses come to decisions more quickly without ever seeing a day in court. They also tend to be more inexpensive, which may benefit you. Now that you know the difference, let us explain what you should do after you receive divorce papers.

The Rational Steps

There are many steps to take when you have been welcomed into divorce – however, we will explain the most important ones to give you a simple divorce overview.

Remember the Due Date: You should always remember the due date of the response. You should never ignore the deadline. Once you have been served, you may have many emotions crowding your mind, so this is the best time to get ahold of your emotions and look for support from family and friends. Never angrily call or text your spouse, as this could be used against you later. And remember – if you have missed the deadline to your divorce response, do not despair. You can call the court as soon as possible and find out if your hearing has been scheduled or ask for an extension where necessary.

Make the Right Decisions: Within the first week of being served divorce papers, we recommend that you make a decision on legal representation. If you feel like having an attorney is in your best interest, contact them immediately. A divorce attorney will be able to help you with court matters and so much more.

Consider Your Finances: Look at your outlook from a monetary standpoint. Some possible decisions you may make may revolve around doing away with joint accounts or relocating your finances. You may also want to cut back on expenses, because divorce can truthfully get expensive. Never leave your spouse without a means of support and play fair.

Consider Your Child’s POV: Your child should never be stuck in the middle of your divorce. This means that you should never talk badly about your spouse in front of the kids and deal with their negative behavior on your own time.

Yes, being served divorce papers can uproot your life in many ways, some of which are very negative. However, you can bring forth a more favorable result if you work with your attorney and work timely as well. If you need help with your divorce case, call us today. At The Law Offices of Amy M. Montes, we can help you in your time of need.