The Truth Behind Men Receiving Alimony

Man and woman sits at a desk with hands clasped.Are you surprised to hear that 400,000 people in the United States receive post-divorce alimony at any point in time? Are you also surprised to hear that a small 3% of those people are men? The unfortunate truth of the matter is that 40% of households contain female breadwinners, which shows that hundreds of thousands of men are not receiving alimony when they rightfully could. Many people believe that it is so unheard of because of the bitter fights involved with divorce as well as the die-hard gender roles of our modern times.

Not Just a Woman’s Thing

Many men are under the impression that alimony is only for women, but this is far from the truth. When the courts are making a decision about whether or not somebody will obtain alimony, gender is not one of the factors that they think of. Many states’ courts will actually look at the years of the marriage, household income, and separate incomes to determine who will receive it and for how long.

The sad truth is that many judges to this day still view alimony as a type of support that men should not receive because they are being “lazy” but this is a misconception in itself. More males are starting to ask about it when they are in need, but many more refuse to do just that. If you are going through a divorce and need our help, give us a call today. We will show you the ins and outs of alimony and many other factors in divorce.