Do I have To Pay Child Support?

Every child deserves his or her parent’s support – both emotional and financial.

Both parents are required to support their child until he or she reaches the age of 18, graduates from high school, marries, emancipates or joins the military.

The non-custodial parent is required to pay a reasonable amount of child support to the custodial parent to cover day-to-day living expenses. In addition, the non-custodial parent may also be required to pay for health insurance and medical and dental expenses.

The family court judges use guidelines to determine how much child support the non-custodial parent should pay each month.

Specific factors are taken into consideration, such as:

  • Incomes of each parent
  • Educational costs
  • Daycare costs
  • Shared physical arrangements
  • Each parent’s other support obligations, if any
  • The child’s age

Whether establishing child support for the first time, modifying a previous order, or attempting to enforce an existing order, needing legal help can be confusing, stressful, frustrating and time-consuming. Money issues can turn seemingly cooperative parents into out-of-control parents.

Contact The Law Offices Of Amy M. Montes California Family Law Attorneys for competent legal help in resolving any child support matter. She knows how important the issue of financial security for your children is.