Determining paternity

Today, many couples are choosing to have children without being married.  A child is entitled to the love and support from both parents.

What happens when the identity of the father is not sure?  The mother and the potential father can file a petition in the court to settle this issue.  The court has the power to order DNA testing.  With certainty of DNA tests, it can be relatively easy to determine paternity. Paternity carries the responsibility to pay child support.  For many fathers, it also has the benefit of taking part in the child’s upbringing.

If there is no issue regarding who the father is, he can sign an acknowledgement of paternity at the hospital.  This document establishes the child’s paternity and obligates the father to pay child support.

If you need more information about paternity and the legal rights and obligations it entails, contact an experienced Orange County Family Law attorney who will help mothers and fathers deal with paternity issues and make sure they understand their rights and responsibilities to the child.