Do’s and Don’ts: Cohabitation and if It’s the Choice for You

If you choose not to get married but you want to live together, cohabitation may sound like the thing for you. There is a deep interest in cohabitation in our modern times because people are afraid that their marriage will collapse, due to the high divorce rates in the U.S. Some people may feel like marriage is too permanent of a commitment, giving them economic and emotional burdens. If you had the talk about cohabitation with a loved one, you may have decided that it is best for you. However, there are some things you should know to protect yourself all the same.

What You Should Always do

If you are choosing cohabitation with a partner, there are some things you should do even if you are not committing to a legal union. These include the following:

  • Even though it is not a legal union, you should still have a cohabitation agreement before you make the move. This will help you both understand where you are on a financial level, and what will happen if you decide not to stay together.
  • Remember what you want to be a joint purchase, and what you don’t.
  • You should always keep finances separate to avoid disputes in the future.

What You Should Never do

On the same hand, it is important to know what you should not do if you are entering into the cohabitation realm. Here are some examples:

  • Never allow your partner to make major purchases in their name if you are both making the purchase together. Making oral agreements is not always the best idea.
  • Do not become financially dependent on your partner to the point where you are not able to support yourself if things do not work.
  • Never refer to yourselves as married to others, as you may welcome legal complications for the future.

Speak to an Attorney 

Entering into a cohabitation relationship, as you can see, can still be complicated. This is why it helps to have an understanding attorney on your side who can answer all of your questions before you make major decisions in your life. Call us today for more information on how we can help you make decisions that can impact your everyday life.