Is a Marital Prenup for You if You Have a Lot of Wealth?

marital prenupHave you ever heard of a marital prenup, also known as a prenuptial agreement? These agreements are extremely important aspects of many marriages, especially for people who want to protect their wealth and assets. If you are somebody who is involved in a high net worth divorce, it might be important to weigh your options when it comes to the marital prenup and deciding if it is right for you or not.

Why the Prenup is Important 

Getting a prenup is one of the best ways for you and your spouse to discuss money issues when it means the most to you. If you want to hold onto your wealth, investments and more, then you want an asset in place that will protect these important aspects of your life. If you have great wealth in your marriage, having a prenup will eliminate this turning a peaceful divorce into something you didn’t want full of hatred and chaos.

Many people wonder about their prenup and ask the question, “Will my spouse care about this?” Many individuals who are getting into a marriage will actually discuss the prenup before they are even married, some even earlier. It might be awkward at first to speak with your future spouse about that, but it can prove to be beneficial because it is less of an attack on your spouse and more of a conversation about the future because things are always changing. You have to be comfortable talking about your finances before you agree to anything, and also before you even agree to get into marriage.

If You Missed the Prenup

If you and your spouse didn’t talk about the prenup and now you’ve missed your chance, this might not be the case. You might still have the option of a postnup, which comes after the wedding takes place. You will have to speak with your attorney about the general process in your jurisdiction, but you would discuss many of the same aspects that you would have when you would have had conversations about your prenup.

It is important to take these important steps if you want to protect some of the things that are most important to you. Many people engage in prenups every year and are happy with the results that they bring. We are here for you as you engage in these decisions at the Montes Law Firm. Call us today to find out how we can help you.