Conflict and your child

A child can take so much – eventually he or she will break down when there is constant conflict between his or her parents – parents that hate each other.

This can take a toll on a child.  The child’s distress can form school-related problems, depression, or anxiety.  The child can start complaining about frequent headaches and stomachaches – staying home from school often.

The parents need help in working out these conflict situations.  They need the help of a professional counselor.   They must realize that their attitudes towards each other are hurting their child.  They must make changes.  They have to achieve a way to encourage relaxation, especially when their child is present.

If you and your spouse are living in constant conflict and it is affecting your child, it may be time to contact an experienced Orange County Family Lawyer who can give you the advice you need to get on with your life and to help your child live a happy childhood.