Are Good Providers Rotten Husbands?

This can also apply to some women or wives.

Some men who insist that they are a good provider turn out to be a not-so-good husband.

Take the man who works long hours 6 or 7 days a week. Most of the time – he is not available to participate in family gatherings or attend school functions or just hang out with his children playing video games.

Because of his long hours and lots of money coming in, he is able to provide gifts to his children, even new cars to the high school students. This may make this parent a good provider, but if he doesn’t invest time in the family, he will not be considered a success at home – no matter how many cars he buys.

Money, although nice to have, is not what it takes to keep a marriage intact. It takes time and energy and love. Spouses who provide this are good providers and good spouses as well.

Every man is different with a different set of priorities. While some men put their family at the top of their list, others put their own wants first, such as getting to the top at his job, which requires long hours and hard work. These men are driven; they want to be successful in their jobs. Others don’t have as much ambition and are just interested in bringing enough money home to pay the bills.

If your marriage is heading to divorce, you should understand that you will have to make a number of important and difficult decisions that will have an impact on you and everyone else in your family.

Schedule a consultation with the Orange County family law offices of Amy M. Montes, we can help you with legal decisions involving your divorce and help protect your interests throughout the process.

Divorce is a difficult process, creating stress for everyone involved, especially children. While we are understanding of, and have compassion for our clients, we are experienced trail lawyers who will aggressively protect you and your loved ones.