5 Things a Child Custody Lawyer Can Do For Your Case

iStock_000040629644_LargeChild custody can be one of the most difficult issues to settle in a divorce. Even in an amicable divorce, determining custody issues can be complicated, because it concerns your child’s future and it contains a multitude of legal issues. Figuring out a plan that works for everyone involved can be downright overwhelming. Use of an experienced child custody lawyer can make the process a great deal less stressful and easier understand. A child custody attorney can reveal hidden issues that you may not be aware of on your own, and could render the best possible outcome for you and your child. Here are five things a child custody lawyer can do for you that you probably can’t:

  • Fill out paperwork and manage deadlines. Deadlines and paperwork can be a huge part of a child custody dispute, especially if the case goes to family court. Meeting deadlines and correctly completing paperwork is very important to your case, and an experienced child custody attorney can ensure that everything is filed correctly and on time.
  • Negotiate with the other parent for you. One of the difficulties of child custody disputes is having to talk with the other parent without getting overly emotional. This can be a problem, since the other parent is often a former spouse or someone else you have had a complicated relationship with, and you have to discuss something you feel passionately about. This is where a child custody attorney can be valuable, because they can offer an unbiased and level-headed point of view to your negotiations.
  • Make modifications to a child custody agreement. When a child custody case is resolved, it often results in a parenting agreement. A parenting agreement involves both parents agreeing to certain terms, which are then made into a court order. It is also very common for a parent to request a modification to this agreement later on. If you do not know how to go about making these alterations, a child custody can easily make the changes for you and make sure you don’t resort to violating your agreement.
  • Speak for you in court. Speaking for yourself in court is difficult for most people. First of all, you are bound to be highly emotional about the issue, and you also probably do not know all laws about child custody that relate to your case. These two factors could result in you saying something regrettable, or forgetting to include an important fact. An attorney can speak on your behalf and ensure that your case is presented in the best way possible.
  • Handle complicated or unforeseen legal issues. Child custody issues can be very complex, especially if they involve parents who live in different states or different countries. International or interstate custody issues can contain a lot of hidden legal pitfalls, since they are in more than one jurisdiction. An experienced child custody attorney is well versed in these legal issues, and can make sure the results are as favorable as possible to all parties involved.