10 Tips for a Happy Divorce

iStock_000019293891_SmallThere is no such thing as a perfect divorce. There are bound to be issues that are difficult or unpleasant, however, a divorce doesn’t have to be a negative thing. After all, ending a toxic relationship will ultimately bring you more happiness, and you will have a chance to start a new chapter in your life. In addition, the divorce process can be a great deal less stressful if you know how to tackle it. Here are a few tips for making your divorce a happy one:

  1. Learn about collaborative divorce. A collaborative divorce is one where parties use mediations and negotiations to settle their divorce, rather than resorting to the courtroom to settle disputes. A collaborative divorce can save money and time, and the exchange of information is free, open, informal, and honest.
  2. Consider creating a prenuptial agreement. Though creating a prenup before you are married does not usually seem necessary, it can protect your assets, and cover other issues that may be long and costly during a divorce. Having a prenup in place can streamline your divorce and make it much less stressful.
  3. Talk to someone. One of the worst things you can do in any stressful situation is bottle up your feelings. You may also be experiencing feelings of grief during your divorce. Consider opening up to a professional, or even a close friend or family member about your feelings.
  4. Be considerate parents. Some parents are tempted to use children as a go-between or as a pawn in the divorce. However, it will be easier on everyone involved if you and the other parent do your best to ease your children through the divorce.
  5. Ask about divorce mediation. Attorney’s sometimes recommend mediation, but even if yours doesn’t, ask your attorney for mediator recommendations. A mediator facilitates communication between both parties. In addition to saving you court time and attorney’s fees, a mediator can make both parties feel heard and understood.
  6. Focus on the positive. Don’t forget that the divorce will ultimately benefit you. Consider all the stressful things during your unhappy marriage that you won’t have to think about ever again.
  7. Consider a postnup. Even if you did not get a prenup, you can still get a postnup. A postnuptial agreement is an agreement signed after a couple is married that, like a prenup, can cover issues that can simplify a divorce, like determining which spouse owns which assets.
  8. Talk with your spouse about tax planning. You and your future ex-spouse are both going to want the biggest tax breaks available after the divorce. In order to get the maximum tax breaks you and your spouse will need to communicate properly, for instance by deciding who will claim your child as a dependent.
  9. Negotiate a reasonable fee with your divorce attorney. Be sure to ask a few intelligent questions before you sign a fee agreement for a divorce attorney. Be calm and negotiation a rate or payment structure that works best for you, and you won’t be as stressed about money during your divorce.
  10. Utilize your divorce attorney. You are bound to be stressed during your divorce if you have no idea what’s going to happen next. Talk with your attorney to learn whatever you need to know about the divorce process, so you can put your mind at ease.